There is a fairly new resource called PBS Learning Media.
In fact, the neat thing about it is that they have it customized by state. Just search for your state on the home page.
The link for Illinois is: Illinois Edition.

This site contains the best of public media on various subjects, thousands of digital resources, audio, video, interactives, documents, lesson plans, and is very user friendly.
Illinois PBS Learning Media allows educators in Illinois access to 22,000 local and national, classroom-ready digital resources. Resources are aligned with state and national Common Core education standards.
You can search, save, tag, share, and create a favorites list.

Searching can be customized to include particular subject areas, grade levels, and media type.

New content continues to be added from such sources as: PBS, public media stations around the state and country, the National Archives, the Library of Congress, National Geographic, NASA, the National Science Foundation, NPR, and the U.S. Department of Education. PBS Learning Media is also in the process of correlating the current resources to the new Common Core State Standards.
You need a login, but it is free to sign up! This is a great resource! Spread the word!