I am so excited that I am now an official "Ambassador" for Simple K12!

Hi friends,
I wanted to tell you about SimpleK12's Teacher Learning Community. I'm a Member and love all of their resources for educators. You should join!
I wanted to tell you about SimpleK12's Teacher Learning Community. I'm a Member and love all of their resources for educators. You should join!
There is a free basic membership that allows you to:
- Learn from subject matter
experts in live webinars
- Join in ongoing discussions on
the hottest education topics
- View and share the most popular
teacher resources
- Connect with educators from
around the world
- and more!
Create a FREE Basic Membership
here: http://community.simplek12.com/scripts/student/courses/view.asp?lid=1003116
I've learned so much and would love to connect with you inside of the Teacher Learning Community. See you inside!
P.S. There are many more webinars coming up in August with topics to help you get ready for those first days of school.