It's so easy to set up your class and it is "ad-free." Scootpad automatically creates CCSS grade-level based practice for each student with no intervention from the teacher. Students can sign in from school or home at any time of the day. Earning points and badges makes it fun for students! The awards can be set up by teachers and/or parents to further motivate students.

When clicking on the Scootpad reports tab, teachers can get real-time data on how their students are doing. There is even an option allowing teachers to assess and customize proficiency settings, curriculum, and the practice pace depending on student needs.
There is also a social media feature enabling students to connect with their friends. Preselected messages are available to choose from, as well as, the option of changing the student's avatar. A news feed provides information such as updates about messages from friends and coins they have earned. Teachers can post to the media wall as well.

Let me know what you think about Scootpad! I know that if you're like me, you just love "Free" resources!! Thanks to the folks at Scootpad for providing this opportunity for our students and teachers!
Here is the link if you would like to check it out:

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